Hapkido Cane Defense System

Hapkido Cane Defense System:
There is only one weapon taught in traditional Hapkido and that is the walking cane. One of the very best self-defense tools for the street, the cane is the only tool of its kind you can take on an airplane with you!
And you cannot legally be asked to check it. I have carried mine on many domestic and international flights.
Plus, today with the escalation of violent crime in our world, Hapkido Cane Defense System is an important understanding and training system.
Hapkido Cane Defense System
So, how does cane link to Kyusho Jitsu? Best of all, once understood properly and implemented with the principles found in Hapkido and Kosho Ryu the cane becomes an extension of the elements of the body. And cane can be made from wood or metal, and this matters. You will learn all about some Kyusho Jitsu aspects too!
Therefore, this course is really not new. It has been taught in my Dojo in Canada for years. But now I will expand upon it and present it to you. Based on many systems from my root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido this one is a must-have for every martial artist! (Some basic cane is covered in my Hapkido Home Study Course)
Let's face it, martial artists live an intense life. We train hard and injuries happen. Age comes for us all. Eventually, we all need a cane. I have needed on 4 times in my life.
What is covered in the Hapkido Cane Defense System?
This is a course from beginner to advanced level with a cane. Below is a breakdown of some of what I will be covering.
1) Strength Building exercises with a cane
2) Control of the cane
3) Cane Locks and Throws
4) Cane Strikes
5) Implementation of Kyusho Principles into all of the above
6) Beginners Octagon Principles with the Cane
7) And a few surprises (Small Circle Principles)
This is a downloadable Certificate Course, which is why it is here at Kyusho Jitsu University. You will find Hapkido Cane Defense System a great course to add right now to your Dojo curriculum! And to teach to those who use canes in real life, like seniors or other where walking unassisted is a challenge.
And Hapkido Cane Defense System is a must-have for all martial artists today. Most of all, you do not need to be disabled to carry a cane! And legally, no one can ask you why you are carrying one. Consequently, today governments across the world are overreaching in their “authority” however their actions are UNLAWFUL. Therefore, if someone asks you why you use a cane, tell them straight out “IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.”
Hence, it is the perfect self-defense too for today's streets.
I also suggest the Hapkido Home Study Course, however not a requirement.
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